Friday, September 17, 2010

K-S News

Sept. 20-24 Homecoming Week
- Monday, Pajama Day
- Tuesday, Twin Day
- Wednesday, Gold-out Day                                                
- Thursday, Farmer Day
- Friday, Blackout Day                                              
Sept. 20 Hearing Check
Sept 24 Fall Festival                                                                  
Sept 27 NO School Work Day
Sept 30 Fundraiser Delivery
Oct. 8 Picture Retakes.

As we enter into Fall, your children will need to wear coats/jackets… Please work with your children (if you haven’t already) on zipping, buttoning, snapping their coats themselves. I don’t mind helping a few, but when the children only have 15 minutes for recess, and there are potentially 24 children standing in line waiting,… well, you get my meaning I’m sure.

Enjoy the weekend!
Vanessa Spring